The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development

in Central Asia

May 06-07, 2025, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan


Address: Kyrgyzstan, Osh, G.Aitieva street 27, 714500

The 3rd BSU Academic Summit


March 10, 2025 - Deadline for Abstracts

March 25, 2025 - Notification of the abstract

April 25, 2025 – Deadline for full paper

May 06 – 07 - Conference dates

The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia promoted by RSAI (the Regional Science Association International) in collaboration with Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan.The conference aims to bring together international speakers, and leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars across Europe and Central Asia to exchange and share their experiences and knowledge on all aspects of Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development. It also serves as an interdisciplinary platform to present and discuss the most recent regional developments, innovations, as well as existing challenges and practical solutions adopted in the fields of Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia.

Purpose of the conference:

Prospective authors are kindly invited to contribute to and help to shape the conference
through submissions of their research works (abstract or paper). High-quality research
contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive,
empirical, or theoretical work in all areas of Sustainable Regional Development are
encouraged for presentation at the conference.

Call for Contributions:

●Sustainable development

●Regional development theory
and practice

●Urban and regional

●Resilience and sustainability

●Institutions and development

●Legal framework for
Sustainable Development

●Economic geography

●Regional policy analysis

●Political economics

●Spatial economics and planning

●Ecological and environmental

●Transportation networks

●Spatial data analysis

●Economics and Finance for
regional development

●Technology in regional

Keynote speakers with photos:

Andrea Caragliu, RSAI Executive Director, Politecnico di Milano, Italy (attached photo)

Tomas Dentinho, Director of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development,
Portugal (already on the website)

Eduardo Haddad, President of Regional Science Association International, Brazil

Sumana Banerjee, University de Kolkata, India (already on the website)

Peter Nijkamb, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands*

Andres Rodriguez -Pause, London School of economics, UK*

Makhabbat Ramazanova - Assistant professor and Researcher, University of
Portucalense, Portugal

Abror Juraev - Vice-rector for Int. Cooperation Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
((already on the website)


Call for Contributions

Prospective authors are kindly invited to contribute to and help to shape the conference
through submissions of their research works (abstract or paper). High-quality research
contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive,
empirical, or theoretical work in all areas of Sustainable Regional Development are
encouraged for presentation at the conference.

Conference Proceedings

All the accepted abstracts and papers can be presented in the conference. Authors
can submit full of the paper or extended abstract (English/Russian/Kyrgyz versions) in
order to be considered to publish in the conference proceedings published by the Kyrgyz-
Uzbek International university.

Only the papers presented orally in the conference will be considered for publication in
RSPP (the scientific journal Regional Science Policy and Practice), additionally the papers
will be subject to peer-review process and the ones that are accepted for publication in
RSPP will be compiled as a Special Issue of RSPP, that is indexed in the Scopus and other
official index databases. You can see the previous published proceedings please add the

Abstract submission

We welcome original research works that have not been published in other
conferences or journals within our conference themes.

You are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract to the following email:

The abstract will be reviewed, and you will be informed when it is accepted. All accepted
abstracts must be presented orally in the conference.

Once abstracts are accepted, full papers must be submitted before April 25th, 2025.

The confirmation of participation will be provided by email after registration and
abstract submission.

Language: the working languages of the conference are Kyrgyz, Russian and English.

However, only the papers submitted in English will be considered for publication in the
Special issue of the RSPP journal.

Registration is free but mandatory.

In order to register, please send abstracts to no later than
March 10th, 2025. Once abstracts are accepted, full papers must be submitted before
April, 25th, 2025.

The confirmation of participation will be provided by email after registration and
abstract submission.


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To be available soon


Link to the Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University website –

Venue: information about the host university (photo, links)

Pictures – you can download, presentation, video with eng subs


Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University - is a state non-for-profit university, established in
Kyrgyzstan in 1994.

The University has been accredited by the Independent agency for accreditation and
rating (IAAR).

The university trains specialists in 23 higher education programs, 21 secondary
professional education programs, and 4 primary professional education programs based
on licenses issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Currently, the university operates 5 faculties, 3 colleges, and 1 vocational school.

Liaison Committee

Hans Westlund – President of Regional Science Association International, Sweden

Eduardo Haddad - President of Regional Science Association International, Brazil

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho - Editor of RSPP (The scientific journal Regional Science Policy and
Practice) Portugal

Local Organizing Committee

Almaz Atabekov – Vice-rector for Science and innovation, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International
University, Kyrgyzstan

Azamat Djaliev – Department of foreign languages, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International
University, Kyrgyzstan

Jyrgal Samieva - Director of Research Institution, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University,

Ainura Hamzaeva – Director of Institution “Economy and management”, Osh
Technological University, Kyrgyzstan

Jamila Usanova – Head of department “Logistic”, Osh Technological University,

Scientific Committee

Abror Juraev - Vice- Rector, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan

Asanbek Akmataliev - Vice- Rector, Osh Technological University, Kyrgyzstan

Andrea Caragliu - Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department, RSAI Executive Director,

Andres Rodriguez –Professor, London School of economics, United Kingdom

Abdilbaet Asanov – rector of Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University, Kyrgyzstan

Eltar Smailov -Researcher, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University, Kyrgyzstan

Eduardo Haddad -President of Regional Science Association International, Brazil

Almaz Atabekov – Vice-rector of Science and innovation, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International
University, Kyrgyzstan

Gulbahor Karimova – Head of Department “Logistic and marketing”, Andijan Institute
of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Uzbekistan

Hans Westlund – President of Regional Science Association International, Sweden

Isabel Freitas – Director of the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture,
University of Portucalense, Portugal

Makhabbat Ramazanova - Assistant professor and Researcher, University of
Portucalense, Portugal

Meerim Sydykova - Researcher, University of the Basque Country, Spain

Paul Snow – Professor, University of Beijing, China

Peter Nijkamb - Professor, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sumana Banerjee – Professor, University de Kolkata, India

Tomas Dentinho - Director of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development,


723503, Кыргызская Республика, г. Ош, ул. Исанова, 79, КУМУ.

Тел./факс: (+996-3222)-4-20-64; (+996-3222)-4-20-79

WhatsApp: +996 772 402 874

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